February 2024
We are pleased to present the latest addition to our Research Paper Series, namely a report on "How Jihadist Groups Take Advantage of Porous Borders in West Africa", authored by Marco Fais, an analyst with over 25 years of experience in organizations and agencies such as United Nations, Interpol, Europol, and Frontex. Fais points to population scarcity and border porosity as lying at the root of security concerns in the Sahel region of West Africa. Fais' paper can be accessed here [.pdf].
January 2024
We begin the new year with a new addition to our Research Paper Series. We announce the publication of "Russian Hybrid Warfare and the Delegitimization of the State: The Case of Germany", by Stephan Blancke, PhD. Dr Blancke is a political scientist specializing on the intelligence and clandestine activities of North Korea and China. He is currenlty an Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London. Dr Blancke's new paper can be accessed here [.pdf].
December 2023
The European Intelligence Academy has published a new essay by Nicholas Eftimiades, a 34-year veteran of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of State, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the author of the seminal Chinese Espionage Operations and Tactics (2020), which is widely viewed as the standard unclassified work on the subject. In his paper for the EIA, which is entitled "Chinese Espionage Recruitment Motivations", Eftimiades revisits the traditional MICE idea and offers a revision that reflects the complexity of Chinese espionage in our time. The paper can be accessed here [.pdf].
July 2022
The latest publication as part of our EIA's Research Paper Series is a timely paper by Madison Scholar on the topic of "Climate Change and the Spread of Terrorism: The Indirect Linkage". The author evaluates the links between climate change and the rise of terrorist groups in fragile states that are already experiencing conflict, or have a high potential to do so. In dong so, she focuses on the case study of Boko Haram and its presence around the Lake Chad Basin. The paper can be accessed here [.pdf].
January 2022
The European Intelligence Academy has officially launched its Global Watch Center, a collaboration between the EIA and the Intelligence Operations Command Center at Coastal Carolina University in the United States. The intelligence products of the EIA Global Watch Center are freely available by going to the EIA Global Watch webpage. We thank the Intelligence Operations Command Center at Coastal Carolina University for its contribution to the work of the EIA.
October 2021
The European Intelligence Academy welcomes Dr. Thomas Wegener Friis, Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and Director of the Center for Cold War Studies, to its Executive Committee. Dr. Friis comes to the EIA with years of experience in graduate and undergraduate teaching in the areas of security and intelligence, as well as affiliations with a host of international bodies, including the Institute for National and International Security and the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies at the Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF) Dr. Friis will serve as EIA Deputy Director for Europe.
September 2021
The latest instalment in the EIA's Research Paper Series is a timely essay by Ellie Cassidy, entitled "Regulating Innovative Platforms: AI-Based Online Monetization Methods and Their Ramifications". It can be accessed here [.pdf].
July 2021
The EIA has issued the second instalment of its Research Paper Series, with the publication of a study entitled: "Taiwanese Medical and Security Policy Towards the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Best Practice", by Yi Chen Chang. The paper can be accessed here [.pdf].
April 2021
EIA Director Dr. John M. Nomikos, has interviewed Mr. Danny Yatom, former head of the Israeli Intelligence Service (1996-1998), Mossad. The interview was aired on YouTube and can be watched here.
March 2021
EIA Advisory Board member, Dr. Renato Caputo, has co-authored (with Vittorfranco Pisano) a new book, Intelligence: Indispensabilità e Limiti (in English, Intelligence: Uses and Limitations). The book a follow-up to Dr. Caputo's previous book, Il Sistema di Informazioni per la Sicurezza della Repubblica (The State Security Information System), tackles the problem of intelligence, understood as a structured analysis of critical information, and its functional use for the security of the state.
December 2020
Frontiers in Communication has published the peer-reviewed article, “Spies and the Virus: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Intelligence Communication in the United States”, co-authored by Ana Maria Lankford, Derrick Storzieri, and EIA Deputy Director, Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis.
October 2020
EIA Deputy Director Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis has published a chapter entitled “Researching State-Sponsored Cyber-Espionage”, in the boook Cybersecurity in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Research Methods Approach, edited by Hugo Loiseau, Daniel Ventre and Hartmut Aden (John Wiley & Sons, London, UK, pp85-122).
September 2020
EIA Advisory Board member, Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, has published a new study entitled "Israeli Intelligence and the Coronavirus Crisis", in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 34(10). Dr. Shpiro's article examines the activities and tasks of Israel’s intelligence services during the critical first two months, from March to May 2020, of the coronavirus crisis, and analyzes the challenges, contributions, and limitations of intelligence services in a national and global pandemic crisis.
September 2020
The EIA has published the eighth issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of timely analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), an initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
May 2020
EIA Advisory Board member, Dr. Stephan Blancke, participates with a chapter on the intelligence services of North Korea in the book Intelligence Communities and Cultures in Asia and the Middle East: A Comprehensive Reference, edited by Professor Bob de Graaff (Utrecht University). This new volume examines questions such as: how are intelligence systems structured in countries across Asia and the Middle East? Additionally, it analyzes the ways in which decolonization and the Cold War influence the organization of national intelligence systems, among other topics.
December 2019
The EIA has published the seventh issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of timely analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), an initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
April 2019
The EIA has published the sixth issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of timely analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), an initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
May 2019
EIA Director Dr. John Nomikos was a panelist at a conference entitled "Press Freedom at Risk?", which was organized by the Greek Chapter of the Association of European Journalists. The one-day conference was held at the the European Parliament's Liaison Office in Athens, Greece. Dr. Nomikos' talk concerned the relationship between the mass media and the intelligence and defense communities.
March 2019
EIA Director Dr. John Nomikos has co-authored, with Aya Burweila, the article "Libya and the New Axis of Terror: Reshaping the Security Theater in MENA and Europe", in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, volume 31, issue 9.
November 2018
The EIA has published the fifth issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of timely analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), a student-run initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
July 2018
The EIA has inaugurated its Research Paper Series with the publication of "Influencing the Adversary: From Wet Affairs to Propaganda", by Dr Stephan Blancke. Written by a political scientist with expertise on North Korean and Chinese espionage, this paper explores influence operations far beyond the usual focus on Russian activities in the era of Vladimir Putin. Dr Blancke presents a holistic account of the modern use of influence operations that explores the immense variety and vast operational scope of such activities in Europe, the Americas, and beyond. The paper can be accessed online by clicking here.
April 2018
The EIA has published the fourth issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of useful analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), a student-run initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The fourt issue of the journal is a special edition covering "Major security challenges for the Trump Administration". The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
December 2017
EIA Advisory Board member Dr. Tassos Symeonides and EIA Director Dr. John M. Nomikos have co-authored an article entited "Intelligence and Balkan Instability: Repeating the Past or Moving in a New Direction?", in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 31:1, pp85-101.
October 2017
The EIA has published the third issue of The Intelligence Review, a volume of useful analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), a student-run initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
June 2017
The EIA has participated in the second annual conference of the International Association for Intelligence Education - European Chapter, which took place in Athens between June 22 to 24. The EIA also helped sponsor the event, which was titled: "Intelligence Studies in a Time of European Crisis".
June 2017
EIA Deputy Director Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis has given an interview to the Russian-language service of the Voice of America, about the arrest of the American intelligence contractor Reality Leigh Winner on charges of espionage.
May 2017
EIA Director Dr. John Nomikos delivered a lecture on “Intelligence Cooperation and Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Region” at the American Military University in Charles Town, West Virginia, USA.
May 2017
The EIA has published the second issue of The Intelligence Review, a compendium of useful analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), a student-run initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, United States. For more about The Intelligence Review see the announcement on the website of the CIB. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
September 2016
The EIA is pleased to welcome Dr. Stephan Blancke to its Advisory Board. Currently a researcher for the London-based Project Alpha at the Centre for Science and Security Studies, King’s College, Dr. Blancke has an extensive publication record. His recent works include an edited volume on East Asian Intelligence and Organised Crime and a study of the WMD cooperation between Pakistan and North Korea.
August 2016
The EIA has published the first issue of The Intelligence Review, a compendium of useful analytical forecasts relating to some of the most pressing questions in international security today. The Intelligence Review is the product of a collaboration between the EIA and the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), a student-run initiative supported by the Department of Politics at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina, United States. For more about The Intelligence Review see the announcement on the website of the CIB. The volume is available to download for free, here. To order printed copies, please contact EIA Deputy Director Dr Joseph Fitsanakis at joe (at) intelnews.org or 423-742-1627 in the United States.
July 2016
The EIA is pleased to welcome Dr. Renato Caputo to its Advisory Board. Based in Italy, Dr. Caputo is Vice President of Italy's National Criminological Register and President of the Multinational Intelligence Studies Campus in Mardid, Spain.
April 2016
The EIA has reaffirmed its partnership with the Multinational Intelligence Studies Campus (MISC). Founded in 2011, and headquartered in Madrid, Spain, the MISC is a nonpartisan institution that provides a forum for international specialists to exchange ideas regarding effective intelligence in a democratic society.
April 2016
EIA Deputy Director, Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis, has presented his research at the 2016 Conference of the New York Military Affairs Symposium, in New York City, NY. The conference, entitled "Espionage: From Cold War to Asymmetric Conflict", also featured Dr. Mark Kramer, Director of Cold War Studies at Harvard University, and Mark Mazzetti of The New York Times. The panel discussion was aired by C-SPAN television in the United States and can be watched in its entirety here.
February 2016
EIA Director, Dr. John Nomikos, and EIA Advisory Board members Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, Dr. Darko Trifunović, and Ms. Anna Abelmann, have participated in the Zagreb Security Forum 2016, in Zagreb, Croatia. The forum was organized under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.
April 2014
The EIA has helped organize the 1st Annual European Union-China Seminar at Charles University in Prague. Participants in the seminar included Chinese scholars from the Center for American Studies at the Renmin University of China, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, and Charles University in the Czech Republic.
January 2014
EIA Director, Dr. John Nomikos, has participated in an international workshop entitled "The smaller European Intelligence and Security Services: National Intelligence Systems and Their Environments", organized in Breda, the Netherlands, by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association.
September 2013
The EIA, in cooperation with the Research Institute for European and American Studies, are organizing a seminar entitled "Intelligence and Counterterrorism: New Actors and New Practices". The seminar, to be held in Athens, Greece, is supported by the Antiterrorism Accreditation Board (ATAB).
May 2013
The EIA has published its first eBook, entitled Open Source Information and the Future of Intelligence, authored by OSINT security analyst Antony Antoniou. The publication is available here.